
“Think it over, think it under.”
Apr 29, 2015
Bundaberg Rum, and its overproof rum,
It'll tan yer insides and put hair on yer bum ...

Just thought you'd like to hear that - thanks to Macca on a Sunday!

There is indeed a song that starts that way! (I love my rum!)

Full lyrics when I find the cassette!
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“Think it over, think it under.”
Apr 29, 2015
FYI, tonight I've had a few $8 pints of Cooper's, followed by a glass of house red, and I'm now on the Jonge Graanjenever (Bols, as Bokma seems unavailable) - the forerunner of London Dry Gin. Thx to the ex's Dutch fambly!

Sober"ish" so far (takin' it easy over a 4 hour stint) - I spent the earlier part of the day with a needy mother!

Just for fun, who else ever heard of "Polish Pure Spirit", or "Stroh" Rum? The first is 95% alcohol by volume - remember a girl died a few years back by drinking a bottle of "vodka"? This was the Polish stuff - comes in a 1/2 litre bottle and is around 38 standard drinks! The label says "do not drink undiluted" - this stuff is for cooking with. Similar warnings appear on the "Stroh" - I've never had such a caramel rum!

Drink sensibly folk - know yer grog! I'm a freakin' expert! Oughta be after 50 years of pissin' on, with like minded mates (too many of whom have now left for the Elysian Fields).
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“Think it over, think it under.”
Apr 29, 2015

God made the sugar cane grow where it's hot,
And teetotal abstainers to grow where it's not.
Let the sin bosun warn of perdition to come;
We'll drink it and chance it, so bring on the rum.

Bundaberg rum, and it's overproof rum,
Will tan your inside and grow hair on your bum.
Let the blue ribbon beat on his empty old drum
Or his waterlogged belly, but we'll stick to our rum.

We're men who drink it, oh yes, men indeed,
Of the bushranging hairnecked olden time breed.
We shave with our axes. We dress in old rags.
We feed on old boots and we sleep on old bags.

Dull care flies away when our voices resound,
And the grass shrivels up when we spit on the ground.
When we finally die and are buried in clay,
Our bodies are pickled and never decay.

On the Morning of Judgment, when the skies are rolled back,
We'll stroll from our graves up the long golden track,
And our voices will echo throughout Kingdom Come
As we toast the archangels in Bundaberg Rum.


“Think it over, think it under.”
Apr 29, 2015
I'm a big Chad Morgan fan too - here's another Bundy song ...