Recent content by mitchamatosis

  1. M

    2017 Rate My Team

    First crack at it this year. Still alot up in the air. Let me know your thoughts..
  2. M

    Going forward from here

    Hearing reports JJ could be back this week. Would be handy
  3. M

    Going forward from here

    With 6 trades left and 390k in the bank im really confused as to where to go from here. Im sitting 2nd-3rd in all 4 of my leagues so this bye round isnt a must win by any stretch. Im just curious as to what other people would do with this team in the following weeks and would love any advice...
  4. M

    Round 4 Trades

    Made the mistake of starting trent mckenzie in my team. What are you thoughts on where to go from here. Do i downgrade to a rookie, or use the 159k in the bank to go to someone like a pittard? At the moment im leaning towards ruggles. My score would of been handy without him and hewett : (