Recent content by GFNL Blue Baggers

  1. GFNL Blue Baggers

    2023 season

    I’m treating Gulden as someone I can trade down to if he goes large the first two rounds, I’m just not sure if he will be a consistent scorer, high ceiling, based on tria game, but low fooor.
  2. GFNL Blue Baggers

    2023 season

    I’ll throw a question back at you. Besides possibly his JS, what do you like about him? When comparing him to other (experienced) options at his price point, do you see him scoring more points (Bowes or a cheaper McKenna). I’d just recommend you think about that & if your gut tells you to go...
  3. GFNL Blue Baggers

    Ranked Leagues

    Fixed, thanks for that.
  4. GFNL Blue Baggers

    Ranked Leagues

    If you would like to join in the SCC Ranked Leagues for the 2023 Season, please use this thread. Team Name: 2022 Rank: 2021 Rank: Best Rank & Year: Ranked League 2022:
  5. GFNL Blue Baggers

    SCC Leagues - 2023

    With Marcus & FB Donkey taking a break this season, we’ll still be setting up leagues, ranked leagues & groups for everyone. We have a team of Veterans here to answer your questions & of course we can all banter amongst ourselives. SCC Group Code - 319416
  6. GFNL Blue Baggers

    Don’t over think things, trust your gut, the answer is right in front of you.

    Don’t over think things, trust your gut, the answer is right in front of you.
  7. GFNL Blue Baggers

    Whats Happening?

    I picked a great time to become a Patreon Subscriber.....
  8. GFNL Blue Baggers

    SuperCoachCoach #2

    GFNL's are in....
  9. GFNL Blue Baggers

    SC 2021 Pre Season Chat

    Best type of reaction there is, I had several this weekend including McDonald to Short
  10. GFNL Blue Baggers

    SC 2021 Pre Season Chat

    Yes, I have... WAY TOO MUCH !!!
  11. GFNL Blue Baggers

    I'm stuck on the Rucks - Gawn/Grundy

    Maybe look for a couple more value MIDs, rather than 4 Premos, that will free up some cash. There are a number of good options from $480k to $550k.
  12. GFNL Blue Baggers

    2021 Ranked SCC League Registration

    Team name: GoodFaNuffinLosers 2020: 5941 2019: 18000 2018: 4031 2017: 665 2016: 19000 2015: 2015 SCC leagues in 2020: SCC #3, Kings & Queens (I think). Finals in all leagues.
  13. GFNL Blue Baggers

    2020 Forwards

    At this point, I think Taylor, King & Georgiadis are the more certain starters. Rankin, Brander, Buderic are a little less certain. I’m trying to avoid King (for some reason). I think it will come down to picking all who are selected. I probably need to have two on field based on my current...
  14. GFNL Blue Baggers

    SuperCoachCoach #3 - Season 2020

    GoodFaNuffinLosers are in. Thanks Marcus, great work putting the leagues together again. Can I encourage all league members to join in on the forums & share your thoughts & opinions on all things SuperCoach. It’s our discussions & advice that make SCC the best damn community in SuperCoach. Of...
  15. GFNL Blue Baggers

    Draft league?

    I played the first year of this league but gave last year a miss. Sticking away from other formats AFL Fantasy & Dream Team this year, so I'd love to have some fun again in a draft league. If there are spots available, send me in invite. PM me is you need my details. Team is: GoodFaNuffinLosers...