Podcast feedback


Mar 9, 2016
Hey guys,

First of all love the podcast, felt compelled to offer some constructive feedback now you're having to weigh up charging for it. Obviously it takes a lot of time and effort to make.

Couple of things I think you can do to improve the experience
  • Releasing the podcast earlier in the week
  • Scale back on the user questions
Most of the time your podcast will come out on a Thursday or Friday which can be great if you haven't had time to listen to it prior, but most of the SC juices are flowing from the weekend and on a Monday this would be prime time to review the weekends games and player results. Also at times listening to the podcast late in the week you may have recorded it before the teams are released making it a little irrelevant if you've spent time talking about a player who's now out. I realise this would be the same if it was on a Monday but it wouldn't have the same feel.

Secondly, while its great to be in touch with your fans I feel you should use their questions as direction for the show and back yourself to discuss the most important players. "Here's a question from Joe Bloggs" doesn't have much interest for everyone else who isn't Joe Bloggs. I think this makes your show jump around from player to player a lot and not flow as well as it could.

Heard you're releasing this weeks podcast early because of the public holiday, would be interested to see if there's any greater difference in downloads :)
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Fitzroy Guerrilla

Staff member
Patron '16
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Patron '20
Apr 27, 2015
I think the questions that are selected are often pretty interesting and the fellas do a good job of contextualising their responses around other players and options.

Usually during the season, the podcasts come out a bit earlier in the week from memory.

I think the podcast will continue to be free but it is now possible to donate to the cause.


Legendary Coach
Staff member
Apr 23, 2015
Thanks for the feedback.

The timing is a tricky one. We find too early in the week and we don't have enough information and too late it isn't enough time for people to listen so expect us to continue with midweek releases. I know that the preseason podcasts have been released a bit later in the week but this won't happen during the season.

The first 5 or so years of the podcast weren't based on listener questions. We feel the flow and engagement has improved significantly since moving to the listener question format.

Again, thanks for the feedback. We do appreciate that you have taken the time to help us out. Cheers :)


Development Coach
Patron '17
Patron '18
Patron '19
Patron '20
Feb 19, 2016
The show has been great guys, for many years now. Don't mind the listeners questions and although I've never put a question in myself, I always find the biggest issue I face personally, in any given week is usually at least touched on or discussed in full and this has been really helpful.

Keep up the good wok fellas. Best podcast out there by a mile.


Patron '17
Patron '18
Patron '19
Mar 3, 2016
Love listening to the podcast guys keep up the great work. Midweek is a good time to release each week, gives plenty of time to listen before the weekend. Keep up the great work.


Aspiring Coach
Jun 23, 2015
Really look forward to the podcast each week. Straight to the point with facts and reasons.
I love this podcast, love it because it's real..... none of the useless segments that has nothing to do with footy/Supercoach, like 1 other well known podcast most of us listen to...or rambling of shit for a minute or two. Oops, maybe I should of not said that.

Keep up the great work fellas..


“Think it over, think it under.”
Apr 29, 2015
[QUOTE="BigKev, post: 79939, member: 222"...maybe I should of not said that.[/QUOTE]

It's said!


Assistant Coach
Patron '16
Apr 24, 2015
Ive been a massive fan of the podcasts for years and will b donating. Perhaps next year for donors you could release a podcast once teams have been named for R1. Obviously its a tight window but would encourage people to donate and rewards those who do with an extra podcast so close and relevant to lock out.
This preseason i reckon there are close to 10 diff fantasy pods to listen to each week amazing really!!

I still think SCC has the best one but TheCoachesPanel comes a close second.

The reason i like the TCP are:
Longer pod about an hour
More presenters on each pod sometimes up to 5
This could also allow you to share the responsibility and work load a little more.
Discuss more than just each player ie bye structure, most relevant player news of the week, team structure etc
Perhaps next preseason you could try a few diff things as covering just one line each week doesn't allow disc that is most relevant for the week.
Just food for thought. Please take it as ideas NOT criticism. Massive fan
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