Round 13 trades


Premiership Coach
Patron '16
Patron '17
Patron '18
Patron '19
Apr 24, 2015
Alexandra, Victoria
I don't have him but I would say keep. Sad to see him out but it's good for my SC side... Can't wait to get him for 400k in a few weeks time.
Frustrating for the coaches that have him, but awesome for us that don't. I'm stuck with Kerridge for the time being and if he can keep his price stable, who would have thought that you would make $ off Kerridge to Dahl.


Development Coach
Nov 13, 2015
Pretty much forced to do 3 trades this week.

Am thinking

NN > Gawn
Dahl > Austin
Smith > Mathieson

Builds my bank for a potential 2 up/1 down scenario over the next 2 weeks.


Senior Coach
Aug 10, 2015
am considering option B

Triple downgrade
Walla, Smith and DBJ out for Trengove, Rose and Austin

It allows me to get Pendles, Docherty and Steven next week and then upgrade Nic NAt to GAwn in before R15
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Assistant Coach
Patron '17
Patron '18
Patron '19
May 13, 2015
am considering option B

Triple downgrade
Walla, Smith and DBJ out for Trengove, Rose and Austin

It allows me to get Pendles, Docherty and Steven next week and then upgrade Nic NAt to GAwn in before R15
i would do the same kind of thing but my luck gawn will score 200 this week and sky rocket in price
thats the kind of year im having
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Development Coach
May 8, 2015
Dahl (and Hall) and NicNat to deal with :mad: Going to screw with my plans I think.

Has to be Gawn for NicNat right? Can anyone think of an alternative? You can have Stef for a song (and keep him). All of the other options that were being floated at the start of the year (Blic, Mummy, Sandy, Sauce) seem less attractive now for one reason or another than they did at the start of the year. Presumably Lycett and Sinclair will get a boost from this weeks injuries but unlikely to be enough to become ruck relevant ...
Current Rucks??


Development Coach
May 8, 2015
R12: 2382
Rank: 5651
Bank: $313,500
1 trade used: Brown -> Austin
16 trades remain

Hewett to go. Mathiseon/Trengove
Tossing up whether to trade Kerridge, he seems to be delivering. Was orignally thinking Dahl but thats gone out the window. Any love for Gunston out there?? Montags maybe but R13 bye and can he keep up his awesome scoring??

May hold Kerridge.

Thoughts at this stage are:
R13: Hewett -> DG (Trengove/Mathieson)
R14: Bennedy -> Lids
R15: Smith -> Hannebury & Davis -> DG (Phillips)

That plan had my mids complete and a mid/fwd swing set.

My Fwd line looks the weakest with Adams, Hall n Kerridge all playing.

Am stuck!!! Help???



Assistant Coach
Patron '16
May 22, 2015
R12: 2382
Rank: 5651
Bank: $313,500
1 trade used: Brown -> Austin
16 trades remain

Hewett to go. Mathiseon/Trengove
Tossing up whether to trade Kerridge, he seems to be delivering. Was orignally thinking Dahl but thats gone out the window. Any love for Gunston out there?? Montags maybe but R13 bye and can he keep up his awesome scoring??

May hold Kerridge.

Thoughts at this stage are:
R13: Hewett -> DG (Trengove/Mathieson)
R14: Bennedy -> Lids
R15: Smith -> Hannebury & Davis -> DG (Phillips)

That plan had my mids complete and a mid/fwd swing set.

My Fwd line looks the weakest with Adams, Hall n Kerridge all playing.

Am stuck!!! Help???


Hold Wyatt.

I hear Nathan might select another tall to play in the fwd line.


Senior Coach
Aug 10, 2015
i would do the same kind of thing but my luck gawn will score 200 this week and sky rocket in price
thats the kind of year im having
The only problem with:
Walla, Smith and DBJ out for Trengove, Rose and Austin
is that its 3 R14 bye players for 3 R14 bye players

So probably be Walla, NicNAt, Smith for Gawn, Austin and Trengove


Assistant Coach
Patron '17
Patron '18
Patron '19
May 13, 2015
The only problem with:
Walla, Smith and DBJ out for Trengove, Rose and Austin
is that its 3 R14 bye players for 3 R14 bye players

So probably be Walla, NicNAt, Smith for Gawn, Austin and Trengove
at them moment im looking at nicnat, kerridge and smith to gawn austin and trengove lol
a little different but same people in will leave me with 550k for next weeks upgrades
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Gawn Armi Witts

Aspiring Coach
Apr 18, 2016
Hit the byes and now I'm struggling with what to do next with my team. I think I started all my upgraded a week or two early because it's almost complete and I haven't taken advantage of how useful the 3 trades over bye period are (and definitely cashed some Bomber rookies too early, Kerridge last week). Added problem this week of 18 players available, but 17 on park as Hewett doesn't fit in mids (and likely out anyway) as well as lost dpp links I'd like to get back.

Any suggestions for how to avoid a donut and keep upgrading team from here?

DEF: H.Shaw, K.Simpson, R.Laird, S.Savage, D.Rich, M.Adams (T.Ruggles, D.Tucker)
MID: P.Dangerfield, G.Ablett, J.Selwood, S.Pendlebury, M.Priddis, L.Parker, R.Gray. T.Liberatore (J.Trengove, B.Keays, G.Hewett)
RUC: M.Gawn, S.Jacobs (D.Wyatt)
FWD: D.Martin, D.Zorko, B.Deledio, L.Montagna, D.Wells, A.Hall (C.Petracca, C.Menadue)

Cash: $11,700. 11 trades remaining. Bold = playing R13

Was thinking of getting Rance next week in def after his bye (Adams? Ruggles?). Want to keep Wells, upgrade Libertore as last thing when possible and maybe sideways Hall sometime to someone like Dahlhaus to finish forward line.
So I guess that leaves finding someone (who?)to downgrade Menaspud into for a bit of cash and wait to do other trades next week? Maybe Hewett instead of Menapoo and still get a fwd rookie by switching the two and using Menablob as a quasi floating donut for rest of year?

Thankfully missed getting hit with NicNat or Dahlhaus injuries that would have created even more headaches!


Jun 8, 2016
Hit the byes and now I'm struggling with what to do next with my team. I think I started all my upgraded a week or two early because it's almost complete and I haven't taken advantage of how useful the 3 trades over bye period are (and definitely cashed some Bomber rookies too early, Kerridge last week). Added problem this week of 18 players available, but 17 on park as Hewett doesn't fit in mids (and likely out anyway) as well as lost dpp links I'd like to get back.

Any suggestions for how to avoid a donut and keep upgrading team from here?

DEF: H.Shaw, K.Simpson, R.Laird, S.Savage, D.Rich, M.Adams (T.Ruggles, D.Tucker)
MID: P.Dangerfield, G.Ablett, J.Selwood, S.Pendlebury, M.Priddis, L.Parker, R.Gray. T.Liberatore (J.Trengove, B.Keays, G.Hewett)
RUC: M.Gawn, S.Jacobs (D.Wyatt)
FWD: D.Martin, D.Zorko, B.Deledio, L.Montagna, D.Wells, A.Hall (C.Petracca, C.Menadue)

Cash: $11,700. 11 trades remaining. Bold = playing R13

Was thinking of getting Rance next week in def after his bye (Adams? Ruggles?). Want to keep Wells, upgrade Libertore as last thing when possible and maybe sideways Hall sometime to someone like Dahlhaus to finish forward line.
So I guess that leaves finding someone (who?)to downgrade Menaspud into for a bit of cash and wait to do other trades next week? Maybe Hewett instead of Menapoo and still get a fwd rookie by switching the two and using Menablob as a quasi floating donut for rest of year?

Thankfully missed getting hit with NicNat or Dahlhaus injuries that would have created even more headaches!

do you think Hall is worth keeping? I am getting rid of him as i dont see him averaging a decent score and being a top 6 fwd for the rest of the year.
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Development Coach
Nov 13, 2015
Hit the byes and now I'm struggling with what to do next with my team. I think I started all my upgraded a week or two early because it's almost complete and I haven't taken advantage of how useful the 3 trades over bye period are (and definitely cashed some Bomber rookies too early, Kerridge last week). Added problem this week of 18 players available, but 17 on park as Hewett doesn't fit in mids (and likely out anyway) as well as lost dpp links I'd like to get back.

Any suggestions for how to avoid a donut and keep upgrading team from here?

DEF: H.Shaw, K.Simpson, R.Laird, S.Savage, D.Rich, M.Adams (T.Ruggles, D.Tucker)
MID: P.Dangerfield, G.Ablett, J.Selwood, S.Pendlebury, M.Priddis, L.Parker, R.Gray. T.Liberatore (J.Trengove, B.Keays, G.Hewett)
RUC: M.Gawn, S.Jacobs (D.Wyatt)
FWD: D.Martin, D.Zorko, B.Deledio, L.Montagna, D.Wells, A.Hall (C.Petracca, C.Menadue)

Cash: $11,700. 11 trades remaining. Bold = playing R13

Was thinking of getting Rance next week in def after his bye (Adams? Ruggles?). Want to keep Wells, upgrade Libertore as last thing when possible and maybe sideways Hall sometime to someone like Dahlhaus to finish forward line.
So I guess that leaves finding someone (who?)to downgrade Menaspud into for a bit of cash and wait to do other trades next week? Maybe Hewett instead of Menapoo and still get a fwd rookie by switching the two and using Menablob as a quasi floating donut for rest of year?

Thankfully missed getting hit with NicNat or Dahlhaus injuries that would have created even more headaches!

Hewitt > Austin seems a reasonable option.
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Premiership Coach
Patron '16
Patron '17
May 7, 2015
The only problem with:
Walla, Smith and DBJ out for Trengove, Rose and Austin
is that its 3 R14 bye players for 3 R14 bye players

So probably be Walla, NicNAt, Smith for Gawn, Austin and Trengove

Prefer this personally, Gawn could go huge this week.
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Development Coach
Apr 6, 2016
16 trades left - 55k.
What advice can you give me for trades this week please? I also have Nic Nat.
Def: Shaw, Rich, Bartel, S Collins, Adams, O McDonald (Seedsman, D Tucker)
Mid: Danger, Priddis, R Gray, Oliver, Hannebury, Libba, Rockliff, Petracca (Ablett, Smith, Hewett)
Ruc: Gawn, Natanui, (Grimley)
Fwd: D Martin, Zorko, Hall, Tippa Wells, Barlow, (Montagna, Kerridge)

I have highlighted the players out this week and shifted to bench status.